Our Letters-to-the Editor and Editorials/
Feature Articles about CCL Maine
Heat wave makes case for carbon pricing, by Nancy Hasenfus- Maine delegation must act on climate change after SCOTUS ruling, by Peter Dugas
Maine’s environment and health are at stake, by Susana Hancock - Carbon pricing would aid investment by Kevin C. Hughes
- https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=2f10f1da-3fd9-46ef-a40b-e9c193e552bb
- Sustainably Speaking: There are no regions left untouched by man, by Susana Hancock
- Guest column: No bad time to tax fossil fuels, by Michael Jones, Times Record, May 20, 2022.
2.) No to Big Oil. Yes to a Livable Planet, by Dorothy Jones, Times Record, May 24, 2022. - President thanked for restoring safeguards. by Erica Bartlett
- Taking responsibility for climate change, by David Witherill
- Speed the transition to renewables now, by Nancy Hasenfus
- Maine delegation can lead to climate safety, by Peter Dugashttps://www.islandinstitute.org/working-waterfront/maine-delegation-can-lead-to-climate-safety/
- Concerned about climate? Put your worry to work, by Bonnie Sammons
Fee-dividend bill is key to climate change fight, by Barbara Bowling - If we stop using oil, we stop going to war over it, by Tom Berry
- We owe young people good climate education, by Cynthia Stancioff
- Maine Voices: Pine Tree Amendment would help both businesses and the environment, by Richard Killmer
- Putting price on carbon would cut air pollution Nancy Hasenfus
https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=fe0343eb-302d-4e5d-b459-b658d9b754b9 - Emitters should pay the real price of carbon, by Henry Landis Gabel
- https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/news/special-reports/maines-changing-climate/climate-change-simulator-helps-maine-and-the-united-nations/97-1ad334f6-b65d-4d5f-b7c2-235f29e9fdd2
How Mainers can use this climate change simulator to impact policy. WCSH 6 2/21/2022, with Peter Dugas, Susana Hancock and Thea Dugas - Support carbon cashback program, by Nancy Hasenfus, Times Record, February 24, 2022
- Call Congress to push for carbon tax, dividend, by Sally Melcher-McKeagney
'Wacky' weather is a wake up call, by Dodie Jones
‘Active hope’ required in fight against global warming, by Susan Payne
Carbon fee is critical weapon against Putin, by Chris Beeuwkes
We should move to renewable energy, by Erica Bartlett
https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=bdd5cf42-45a8-42f4-a91f-0f658c67690b - Maine Voices: Maine needs to ‘go big’ to meet climate goalshttps://www.pressherald.com/?p=6486800, by David Vai
- Magic 8-Ball not needed to see climate change is real, by David Smith in the Forecaster
- Even ordinary people can defend the climate, by Thea Dugas
Seeking environmental harmony: Portland’s Peter Dugas lives a life filled with music, climate action
Annie Antonacos thanking Boyne Resorts for endorsing national Carbon Fee and Dividend policy at 14:25
Let’s not lose our snow! by Greta Holmes - Letter to the editor: Sen. Collins missed chance to advocate for climate, by Susana Hancock
https://www.pressherald.com/?p=6353135 - https://portlandphoenix.me/seeking-environmental-harmony-portlands-peter-dugas-lives-a-life-filled-
- with-music-climate-action/
- Carbon pricing needed to ease climate change, by Nancy Hasenfus
- And one by Michael Jones, Bath-Brunswick Chapter:
Poliquin would continue federal Big Oil giveaways
https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=aa87ffa2-dc7b-4465-b068-e0d2ec40b752 - Carbon fee will fulfill Poliquin’s climate goals, by Harry Brownhttps://www.pressherald.com/?p=6343073
- Forum: State carbon tax more efficient route to clean air, by David Kunhardthttps://www.pressherald.com/2021/11/15/forum-state-carbon-tax-more-efficient-route-to-clean-air/
- Cash back will help U.S. meet its climate goals, by Peter Garrett
https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=1385330b-12bd-4452-a1e0-45f4227a53d5 - Awareness raised of need for a carbon fee, by Val Blai
https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx? - Carbon tax, other changes could be way out of climate pickle, by Michael Jones, Times Record, November 23, 2021
- https://www.centralmaine.com/2021/11/14/b-6935-dunn-sorrel-11-4-pass-carbon-pricing-to-fight-climate-crisis/
Pass carbon pricing to fight climate crisis, by Sorrel Dunn - Senators should support 10-year government overhaul, by Roberta Brezinski, Lewiston Sun
- Support carbon fee and dividend, by Sam Saltonstall, Times Record, October 6, 2021Journal, October 5, 2021
- Critic of UMaine students’ climate efforts misguided, by Michael Jones
- https://www.pressherald.com/?p=6237126
- Papers must support climate-action equity, by Kevin Butterfield
Letter ridiculing students’ climate change effort is off the mark, by Sam Saltonstallhttps://www.pressherald.com/2021/10/07/10-6-saltonstall-sam-reponding-to-reetz-letter-ridiculing-student-efforts-on-climate-change/ - Voters want Congress to mitigate warming, by Dorothy Jones
https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=078a2fa6-b71e-4a8a-baa9-e547587c4cd6 - Window of opportunity open to act on climate, by Harry Brown
https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=db6e6c68-4a1f-40ce-8548-2e8a3c3da4f4 - https://www.pressherald.com/?p=6215100 by Michael Jones
- https://www.pressherald.com/?p=6214179 by Sorrel Dunn
- https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=a03ca725-8013-4265-a047-e3bb13a3f855
Include carbon price in reconciliation act, by Erica Bartlett - Reconciliation bill: Cheaper than alternative, by Nancy Hasenfus
https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=3332cb21-2322-439a-9838-4309bc01921f - Anna Zmistowski, https://www.pressherald.com/?p=6203709
https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=5953a7fe-076f-403b-8651-919bc46463f9 - The Maine reason we must act on climate, enact carbon cashback, by Peter Dugas and MIchael Mann
https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=52345288-fec5-47e6-b1bf-56bf14817587 - Media must cover climate change, Maine’s increasing heat. htts://www.pressherald.com/?p=6167109
by Nancy Hasenfus - Letter to the editor: Writer too quick to dismiss climate efforts, by Sam Saltonstall, Portland Press Herald, August 17, 2021.
- Carbon fee better way to ration fossil fuels, by Michael Jones
- Calling on Maine’s delegation to support carbon fee, by Nancy Hasenfus
- Navigate us away from the Storm, by Sam Saltinstall
- https://bangordailynews.com/2021/07/02/opinion/letters/saturday-july-3-2021-the-right-thing-for-abuse-survivors-pragmatic-climate-leadership-living-together-as-one/
- https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=3620da27-0fdf-48e7-a764-3ec6cff4cb18
Rising CO2 imperils the medically frail, by David Smith - LTE Carbon pricing best way to save climate, by Nancy Hasenfus
https://www.pressherald.com/2021/06/28/letter-to-the-editor-carbon-pricing-best-way-to-save-climate/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Daily+Headlines%3A+For+players+and+fans%2C+the+return+of+pro+golf+to+Maine+was+a+hit&utm_campaign=PPH+DH+-+Monday - Acadia Storm Story Shows the Cost of Climate Change, by Ted Obbard
- Signs of hope arrive for U.S. climate solutions. by Sam Saltonstall
https://www.pressherald.com/?p=6083166 - Maine Voices: ‘Carbon cash-back’ offers families a gift as we strive to reach net zero, by Peter Garrett thttps://www.pressherald.com/2021/05/05/maine-voices-carbon-cash-back-offers-families-a-gift-as-we-strive-to-reach-net-zero/?utm_source=Press+Herald+Newsletters&utm_campaign=66e5cfa0b0-PPH_Daily_Headlines_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b674c9be4b-66e5cfa0b0-201268860&mc_cid=66e5cfa0b0&mc_eid=8f24b3949c
- https://www.pressherald.com/2021/04/28/letter-to-the-editor-maine-senators-lead-in-helping-climate-reinstating-methane-limits/ by Peter Dugas
- By Dodie Jones https://www.pressherald.com/2021/02/03/maine-voices-when-it-comes-to-fighting-climate-change-what-does-bold-look-like/?utm_source=Press+Herald+Newsletters&utm_campaign=d45c8d96a6-PPH_Daily_Headlines_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b674c9be4b-d45c8d96a6-201268860&mc_cid=d45c8d96a6&mc_eid=8f24b3949c
- BySusanaHancockhttps://bangordailynews.com/2021/02/05/opinion/letters/saturday-feb-6-2021-moved-by-pickering-oped-wheres-the-bipartisanship-make-2021-a-year-of-climate-action/
- https://newspaper.pressherald.com/infinity/article_popover_share.aspx?guid=5e33186e-88ed-4be8-b08b-877dfe9d50fe Late GOP statesman saw viable climate solution, by Cynthia Stancioff
- As weather worsens, urge carbon cashback, by Nancy Hasenfus
- Kennebunk petitioner hopes to garner support for carbon-pricing legislation
- Maine Voices: Soaring on ‘wings like eagles’ as we confront climate crisis, by Rev. Richard Killmer
- https://www.pressherald.com/2021/01/21/maine-voices-soaring-on-wings-like-eagles-as-we-confront-climate-crisis/?utm_source=Press+Herald+Newsletters&utm_campaign=451f24c5e9-PPH_Daily_Headlines_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b674c9be4b-451f24c5e9-201268860&mc_cid=451f24c5e9&mc_eid=8f24b3949c
- Carbon Cash Back 4 ME - Coming Together for Change, by Tom Berry
https://thewestendnews.com/carbon-cash-back-4-me-coming-together-for-change/ - Lewiston Sun Journal https://www.sunjournal.com/2020/12/06/cynthia-stancioff-a-campaign-for-a-climate-solution/
Carbon pricing would lower greenhouse gas emissions, by Peter Garrett - U.S. Senate should pass climate solutions bill, by K. C. Hughes
https://www.pressherald.com/2020/12/07/maine-voices-u-s-senate-should-pass-climate-solutions-bill/?pws=email&pwc=Daily-Headlines&utm_source=Press+Herald+Newsletters&utm_campaign=4a079b54fe-PPH_Daily_Headlines_Email&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b674c9be4b-4a079b54fe-201268860&mc_cid=4a079b54fe&mc_eid=8f24b3949c - Carbon fee will give us monthly ‘climate security check’, by Peter Garrett
- Support for the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, by Nancy Hasenfus, Times Record, October 15, 2020.Who Pollutes? A Household-Level
- Carbon pricing key to climate plan, by Annie Antonacos
- In Support of a Carbon Dividend, by Nancy Hasenfus
- Front lines of the climate crisis, by Susana Hancock
- Crisis Lessons, by Peter Dugas
- To keep Maine's air clean, introduce Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, by Peter Dugas
- Pandemic underscores urgency of taking action on climate change, by Allen Armstrong.
- COVID, carbon and clean air: A mountain’s lesson, by Mary Lee Fowler
- Educate yourself on candidates’ climate stance, by Jill Standish
- Current crisis carries lessons for another, by Tom Berry
- Carbon tax is the best way, by Roberta Brezinski
- We're all in this together: Climate solutions beyond your own backyard, by Tamara Risser
- Another View: Government should lead on climate change: We don't have to wait for cultural change to do something about a warming atmosphere, by Annie Antonacos
- To fight climate change harness existing incentives, by Dodie Jones
- Letter to the editor: Coronavirus much less of a threat to us than climate change, by Peter Garrett
- Events demand urgency on climate, by Susana Hancock
- Midcoast Governments Offer Hope for a Stable Climate, by Paul Perkins
- Senators should support carbon dividend bill, by Nancy Hasenfus
- Ruth goes to Washington, by Ruth Metcalfe
- Good news on climate response unreported, by Peter Garrett
- Climate Change must be our leaders top priority, by Nancy Heiser
- Carbon fee and dividend the best approach to going carbon neutral, by Nancy Hasenfus
- Kelp’s retreat a call for climate action, by Tom Berry
- Support climate youth, by Ed Pontius
- Climate solutions beyond your backyard Part 2, by Peter Dugas
- Carbon offsets are another way to reduce emissions, by Val Blais
- Action to Meet the Climate Crisis, by Tom Berry
- Carbon pricing will insure the Earth against the high cost of climate change, by Peter Garrett
- Collins deserves credit for bi-partisan effort to promote clean energy, by Ed Pontius
- The overflowing bathtub climate change mitigation model, by Peter Monro
- 'Carbon fee and dividend' and 'carbon tax' are not the same thing, by Tom Berry
- Small steps are not enough to save our planet, by Dodie Jones
- Climate solutions beyond your own backyard, by Peter Dugas
- Hurricane shows need for climate action, by Bob McKillop
- We have to work together to protect our common resources, by Jean Ann Pollard
- Congress considers much needed climate bills, by Sam Saltonstall
- Pass carbon dividend bill to rein in ‘extreme heat’, by Annie Antonacos
- Bipartisan climate change bill, by Peter Garrett
- Congress should enact carbon fee law, by Peter Dugas
- Arrowsic should be congratulated for passing climate resolution, by Paul Perkins
- U.S. mayors embrace a climate solution, by Dodie Jones
- Carbon dividend legislation could help protect baby lobsters, by Val Blais
- Maine lobbyists still looking for Republican co-sponsors on climate change act
- Carbon fee would recognize urgency of climate change, by Mason Morfit
- Winslow man taking 1,500 Mainers to D.C. to lobby members of Congress on climate change, please note there are several typographical errors-although 1500 CCL members went to DC, only 20 of them were Mainers
- Solar conversion saves money, protects climate, by Nancy Hasenfus
- Time to Step up to Fight Climate Change, by Peggy Duhamel
- Take action on carbon, by Roberta Brezinski
- Pingree earns praise for support of carbon dividend bill, by Mary Lee Fowler
- Take 'rational, hopeful' road to climate change, by Sarah Braik
- Pingree supports carbon dividend bill, by Anthony Zeli with Peter Monro
- Climate change solutions, by Sandra and Ole Jaeger
- CMP corridor’s climate claims don’t hold up to scrutiny, by J. Mason Morfit
- Climate change issues transcend borders, by Adolphe Wakana
- Follow students' lead, demand climate action, by Sidney Hodgdon
- Easy money or lowered carbon footprint?, by Paul Perkins
- Carbon fee and dividend best first step, by Dodie Jones
- Impacts of climate change can be seen in Maine, by Gerry Runte
- A carbon tax is not punishment, by Michael Jones
- Thanks to Pingree for supporting carbon dividend, by Jill Standish
- Support for bipartisan climate bill is'great news,' by Jay Kilbourn
- Bill is bipartisan solution to climate change, by Jay Kilbourn
- Transition to a new carbon pollution free economy a challenge, by Jay Kilbourn
- Monitoring of Casco Bay indicates urgent need for carbon tax, by Fern Stearns
- Carbon-dividend bill will help move the needle on climate change, by Liana Wolk
- Carbon fee and dividend should be federal policy, by Nina Trowbridge
- Climate action now, by Laurie Sproul
- We can't afford to wait, by Fern Stearns
- Save Winter, by Dodie Jones
- Citizens’ Climate Lobby looks to shore up Midcoast support for national climate change legislation, feature article by Nathan Strout
- 'Tragedy of the Commons' plays out in climate, by Jean Ann Pollard
- Carbon fee and dividend will help meet Green New Deal goals, by Peter Monro
- In support of HR 763, by Roberta Brezinski
- Rising sea levels in Bath, by Paul Perkins
- Support carbon tax bill, by Lesley Fernow
- Carbon tax proposal would benefit Mainers, by Peter Dugas
- Slide show created by Riley Beliveau of the nine students who accompanied us to the November Congressional Education and Lobby Days in DC
- Sustain Mid Maine: Maine delegations should lead on carbon fees, by Peter Garrett
- Harpswell facing up to climate change, by Mary Lee Fowler
- Local Students Lobby for Climate Fee & Dividend, West End News
- Harpswell Backs the Idea of a national fee for carbon producers, by Nathan Strout
- Using the marketplace to reverse climate change , by Sydney Hodgdon
- Climate change fight demands a new greatest generation, by Ed Pontius
- Tell Congress to support climate legislation, by Dodie Jones
- Thanks to special bipartisan group for introducing carbon dividend act, by Robert Thurm
- Political climate right for cutting emissions, by Peter Dugas
- The climate issue--a bridge, not a wedge, by Cynthia Stancioff
- Best way to counter climate change, by Roberta Brezinski
- New bipartisan bill puts lie to Sasse’s ‘alarmism’, by Sam Saltonstall,
- An Early Christmas Climate Miracle, by Jay Kilbourn
- Let’s meet to dispel our north-south blind spots, by Jay Kilbourn
- There is hope in fight against climate change, by Bob McKillop
- With president in denial, others must act to avert climate change consequences, by Anastasia Azenaro-Moore
- Climate report paints a dire picture for the world, by Allen Armstrong
- Another call to action on climate change, by Dodie Jones
- Maine students take climate change to heart, to Congress, by Jocelyn Van Saun
- Student climate solutions advocates meet with congressional leaders in Washington
- Climate advocates take message to Washington
- Local citizen advocates taking message to Washington
- KHS students taking climate change message to Washington
- Clear the air with carbon fees, dividends, by Lois Howlett
- We can't rely on climate-change action from the top down, by Edward Pontius
- Sobering new U.N. report validates climate science, economics, by Michael Jones
- Congress should lead on climate change, by Dodie Jones
- A carbon tax is right first step, by Roberta Brezinski
- Entire Maine delegation remiss on climate issues, by Bob McKillop
- A Well-Designed Carbon Tax has Benefits, by Roberta Brezinski
- Supreme court nominee has reprehensible record on environment, by Annie Antonacos
- Another View: Mitigating climate change would be a Band-Aid, not a cure, by Sam Saltonstall
- Cooperative federal effort needed to combat climate change, by Sarah Braik
- History Repeats Itself?, guest column in Brunswick Times Record by Dodie Jones
- Congressional action on climate change needs support from all of us, by Peter Monro
- A carbon tax of some kind will lessen our carbon footprint, by Bob McKillop
- Citizens Climate Lobby solutions for renewable energy incentives-interview with Peter Monro July 11 on WERU's "Power to the People"
- Local Mainers campaign for the climate in DC, by Dodie Jones
- Brunswick Town Council passes carbon fee and dividend resolution, by Nancy Hasenfus
- Local Mainers campaign for the climate in DC, by Dodie Jones
- These citizens won't take 'no' for an answer.And they're budging Congress on Climate Change, MPBN June 13
- Peter Garrett is headed to D.C. to advocate for nonprofit’s climate change plan, feature article in June 3 May Sunday Telegram
- Glad to see Maine people tackling climate change, by Sam Saltonstall
- Small things add up to conserve planet, by Karen Tolstrup
- Butterfly Effect, Brunswick Times Record editorial board supports Brunswick Carbon Fee & Dividend resolution
- No Time to Waste, by Dodie Jones and Jill Standish
- Maine should be proud of young environmental leaders, by Ed Pontius
- Commentary: New pipeline not our best option for more and cheaper energy, by Paul Potvin
- Pingree’s support needed on Climate Solutions Caucus, by Bob McKillop
- Beyond Climate Denial, by Paul Perkins
- Negative Effects of Climate Change Will Worsen unless We Act now, by Ed Pontius, M.D. and Nicholas Bartenhagen, M.D.
- Optimistic about Climate Change Mitigation, by Karen Tolstrup
- Let's Get Serious, by Dodie Jones
- Trump's Speech 'Nailed It' He Ignored Climate Change!, by Sarah Braik
- Curbing Climate Change Will also Rein in Recovery Costs, by Peter Garrett
- Media Missing from Youths' Fervent Rally: Only one Maine news outlet covered the climate-change rally in Portland, by Chuck Spanger
- Climate Change the Most Important Issue, by Nancy Heiser
- Balentine Doesn't let climate facts get in his way, by Peter Monro
- Deep Freeze Comes to us Courtesy of Climate Change, by Dick Thomas
- Action on climate change prevents expensive disasters caused by extreme weather, by Jacqueline Guyol
- Oppose Trump's Plan for Offshore Drilling, by Jacqueline Guyol
- 'Global Weirding' comes to Maine, by Peter Garrett
- Help Fight Climate Change by Eliminating Plastic Products, by Karen Tolstrup
- A Record-Breaking Year, by Dodie Jones
- The Price is Right, by Michael Jones
- Climate Change Making Storms Worse, by Jill Standish
- Create Policies for a Sustainable Future, by Charles Spanger
- Climate Group Supports Carbon Fee Program, by Bob Lown
- Citizens' Climate Lobby on the right track, by Andrea Roth Kimmich
- What Can You do about Climate Change, by Bob Lown
- Time for Leaders to Address Climate Change, by Jennifer Niese
- US Should Adopt Carbon Fee, Dividend, by Mary Ann Larson
- National Solution Needed to Help Nation's "Tailpipe," by Dodie Jones
- Voters Should Insist on Climate Change Action at the Local Level, by Nancy Heiser
- Support York County Citizens' Climate Lobby, by Jay Kilbourn
- Join Nonpartisan Climate Lobby Group, by Jay Kilbourn
- Take a Minute and Thank Senators, by Karen Tolstrup
- In recently hearing about Scarborough’s Planapalooza..., by Ryan O'Leary
- Thanks to both of our Senators, by Jay Kilbourn
- Sens. Collins, King Deserve Praise for Opposing Arctic Drilling, by Margaret Bartenhagen
- Urge Reps to Support Climate Solutions, by Karen Tolstrup
- On Climate Change and Local Fisheries, by Jill Standish
- Are Mainers Affected by Climate Change? by Dodie Jones
- Hold Polluters Responsible via Carbon Fee and Dividend, by Peter Monro
- Slow Climate Change by Supporting Price on Carbon Emissions, by Susanna Adams
- Mitigate Climate Change, by Jeff Dorian
- Climate Change Must Be Addressed now, Nancy Heisenberg
- Interview with CCL Portland's Peter Monro on WMPG's Community Voices for Change
- How Life Will Be in 2050, by Bruce Macdougal and Dodie Jones
- Tax Carbon Emissions, by Peter Garrett
- Tax Carbon, by Albert Bean
- Mainers Must Demand Higher Cap on Greenhouse Gases, by Jeff Dorian
- The New Clean Industrial Revolution, by Peter Garrett
- Thank Pingree, Poliquin for Climate Change Votes, by Ed Pontius
- Trump Says the Paris Agreement is Unfair to the US: The US Pledges Didn't Go Far Enough, by Michael Howard
- Pricing Things: What’s Fair?, by Marcia Harrington
- Carbon Fee May be Best Bet to Slow Climate Change, by Paul Perkins
- Carbon Fee a Means for Portland to Take Action on Climate Change, by Ed Pontius
- Portland Reaffirms Commitment to Fight Climate Change, by Randy Billings
- A Maine Artist Learns through Trial and Error to use Art to Communicate about Climate Change, by Kate McCormick
- Mainers Go to Washington to Lobby Congress to Act on Climate Change, by Kate McCormick
- Mainers Hope their Artwork can Help Lobbyist's Effort to Combat Climate Change, by Kate McCormick
- Congress Must Act to Ensure Leadership on Climate, by Peter Monro
- Maine Legislators Missing Big Picture on Benefits of Solar Energy, by Mary Ann Larson
- Collins, other GOP Senators Must Be Climate Champions, by CCL Executive Director Mark Reynolds
- Experts Agree it's Time to Tax Carbon-Linked Fuels, by Jay Kilbourn
- The Next Step, Dodie Jones
- We Marched-Now it's Time to Get to Work, by Sarah Braik
- Anti-Solar Ideology Hurts Mainers, Blocks Good Jobs, by Mary Ann Larson
- Solar Energy Promises Good Jobs, More Choices, by Mary Ann Larson
- A Shared Vision of Energy Policy Points to an 'Electric Future" that Benefits All, by Steve Weems, Fortunat Mueller, Jay Kilbourn, and Todd Griset
- The New Clean Industrial Revolution, by Peter Garrett
- Two Proposals Would Resolve Fight over Carbon Emissions, by Sarah Braik
- Carbon Fee and Dividend is a Smart Way to Cut Pollution, by Sarah Braik
- Farmers Should Support Carbon Fee and Dividend, by Fern Stearns
- Republicans Care about the Environment, by Sarah Braik
- Let Trump Feel Heat from Citizen Action, by Peter Monro
- Tax Carbon Emissions, by Connie Potvin
- The Problem is Ours to Fix, so 'Open Your Mouth!': How to Apply Dr. Seuss Logic to Climate Change, by Laurie Sproul
Carbon fee and dividend will help meet Green New Deal goals
Letter to the editor: Carbon-dividend bill will help move
the needle on climate change Carbon Fee and Dividend Best First Step, by Dodie Joneshttps://bangordailynews.com/2021/02/05/opinion/letters/saturday-feb-6-2021-moved-by-pickering-oped-wheres-the-bipartisanship-make-2021-a-year-of-climate-action/Sarah BraikSun, Feb 14, 6:49 AM (8 days ago)
to Danielle, Victoria, me, Amanda
Late GOP statesman saw viable climate solution, by Cynthia Stancioff